Active calls for papers

1) Call For Papers: Special Issue on Development of AGI in e-commerce

Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR)
Guest editors:
Dr Xusen Cheng, Renmin University of China
Dr Jian Mou, Pusan National University
Dr Yonggui Wang, Zhejiang Gongshang University
Dr Alex Zarifis, University of Southampton,

Submission by Nov. 20, 2024
If anyone has any questions about this special issue feel free to contact me.

2) Call for chapters
Fintech and the emerging ecosystems around centralised and decentralised financial technologies

Springer Nature (contract signed)

Dr Alex Zarifis, FHEA, University of Southampton, UK,
Prof. Xusen Cheng, Renmin University of China, China

The book covers new financial technologies such as cryptoassets including Bitcoin and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and the increasing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative AI. The change brought about by these technologies is coming together with other drivers of change in finance, such as sustainability. The book welcomes chapters focused on the technology of Fintech or other aspects of finance driving transformation alongside Fintech.

This edited book of chapters welcomes chapter submissions until August 31st 2024, but authors are encouraged to submit a draft as soon as possible. Please submit your proposals to Dr Alex Zarifis,

2) Call for papers: Sustainability
Special issue: Information systems in e-business: Digital transformation and sustainable management (2024)

Dear Colleagues,

Digital transformation and sustainability are two popular topics attracting the investment of enormous amounts of money and time. They are, in some ways, very different topics, yet there is significant overlap. Digital transformation is not merely an opportunity for financial enrichment, it also opens up prospects for building a better and more sustainable world. The aim of this Special Issue is to further explore how the technologies and processes inherent in digital transformation can support sustainability. Digital transformation can support sustainability in various contexts, from that of a single organisation, to broader contexts such as those of entire cities and countries.

While developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have come to dominate the attention for many, other specific technologies, such as blockchain, advanced virtual reality, 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT), can also support sustainability. In addition to the specific technologies that must be considered, the manner in which whole sectors of the economy are undergoing processes of digital transformation also impacts sustainability. For example, finance is being transformed by fintech, with exciting developments in cryptoassets and decentralised finance (DeFi) (Proskalovich et al, 2023; Yuan et al., 2023).

These is, however, a dark side to the role digital transformation plays in sustainability (Cheng et al., 2022). For every opportunity a new technology offers, there is also a new vulnerability, accompanied by possible unintended consequences. For example, the continuous stream of ransomware attacks certainly causes technical challenges but can also challenge the trust and privacy of consumers (Zarifis etl al. 2022).

This Special Issue welcomes papers related to the issues highlighted here, or similar questions pertaining to the role technology plays in sustainability.


Cheng X., Lin X., Shen X., Zarifis A. & Mou J. (2022). ‘The dark sides of AI’, Electronic Markets, pp.1-5. Available from:

Proskalovich R., Jack C., Zarifis A., Serralde D.M., Vershinina P., Naidoo S., Njoki D., Pernice I., Herrera D. & Sarmiento J. (2023). ‘Cryptoasset ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean’, University of Cambridge – Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF). Available from:

Yuan H., Cen W. & Du T. (2023). ‘Digital Finance and County Ecological Performance—New Evidence from China Counties’, Sustainability, vol.15, 16691. Available from:

Zarifis A., Cheng X., Jayawickrama U. & Corsi S. (2022). ‘Can global, extended and repeated ransomware attacks overcome the user’s status quo bias and cause a switch of system?’, International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), vol.14, iss.1, pp.1-16. Available from:

Dr. Alex Zarifis
Guest Editor

Published special issues

Information Processing & Management
Special issue: From digital technologies to digital entrepreneurship (2024)

Special issue: Sustainable artificial intelligence for societal, business and environmental value (2023)

Special issue: Human–AI Teaming: Synergy, Decision-Making and Interdependency (2023)

Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC)
Special issue: Digital technology enabled innovation for healthcare in the new normal of COVID-19 (2022)

Electronic Markets – The International Journal of Networked Business
Special issue: The dark sides of AI (2021)

British Journal of Educational Technology
Special issue: AI and Deep Learning in educational technology research and practice (2020)